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Kirill Gerstein - Imaginary Pictures
About the album Both Schumann and Mussorgsky were wildly imaginative composers who found ways of expression that went beyond the conventional. On this recording, pianist Kirill Gerstein offers an unusual yet logical pairing of Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and Schumann’s Carnaval – piano pieces in which the layer of...
Kirill Gerstein - Liszt Transcendental Etudes
About the album Described by Kirill Gerstein as “one of the most towering mountain peaks of the piano literature”, Liszt’s Transcendental Etudes can be seen as a distillation of the mid-19th century romantic project, like sounding images of romanticism’s nervous system, its otherworldly experiences, and its spirituality. For this new recording for...
Kirill Gerstein - Tchaikovsky & Prokofiev Piano Concertos
About the album Since 1894, Tchaikovsky‘s Piano Concerto No. 1 has been published and performed in a version containing numerous unauthorized editorial alterations that were added posthumously. This is the first recording using the new scholarly edition by the Tchaikovsky Archive and Museum in Moscow of the 1879 version of...
Tabea Zimmermann - Romance oubliée
About the album Tabea Zimmermann‘s 6. album on myrios classics features romantic miniatures for the viola, including some less known works by great composers of the 19th century, like Liszt, Vieuxtemps and Wieniawski. Another centerpiece of the disc are the „Album Leaves“ by the bohemian composer Hans Sitt, a contemporary...